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Welcome to the Mystical Realms of Symmetry

About the artist

Robin Jund is an independent versatile and nomadic artist born in Strasbourg, France on December 10th ,1997.

With the deep and ongoing will of sharing his vision and experiences of the world, he found various ways of expressing his emotions and comprehensions of both internal and external universes through different art forms: Photography, Graphic Design and Electronic Music.

By allowing himself to dream big, he is flowing through Life with ease and joy, encoutering marvelous beings from all kingdoms and continents, sowing and foraging Love and inspiration wherever he is.

“Nature is the purest mirror we can see ourselves into. Symmetry unveils mystical patterns and sacred geometry of the Universe.
As observers, we decode those patterns with our unique perception filter composed by our experiences, emotions, traumas and memories.
Contemplating those artworks allows us to perceive hidden messages, entities and portals. Each interpretation is unique, so is the observer.
You are looking at yourself.”

Fine Art Prints Available

Art Photography deserves the best. So you do.

All the artworks are printed by the multi-time TIPA award winning company WhiteWall, making them in 2023 the Best Photo Lab in the World and ensuring that you’ll get the highest quality prints.